
It goes without saysing it's been a rough summer. 

I have been back and forth to Ohio dealing with some personal things, and haven't had much time to focus on painting, and I appologize for the erratic closures of my online store (which is actually up and running at the moment but will most likely close again in about a month).  

Is there a glimmer of hope on the horizon?  As is typical of my world view, a perpetual feeling of impending doom persists, but I confess I am still very excited to be a part of some LIVE events in the coming months while also being very wary of the Covid Delta variant ravaging the world.  If you feel up to it, I hope to see and talk to some of you at Crypticon this weekend in Seattle!  This event asks for proof of Vaccination and requires masks to be worn at all times. 

Details can be found here:

After that, if society persists, I will be at Rose City Comic Con in Portland, OR. Sept. 10-12 

And even more hopefully The Oddities and Curiosities expos in Portland and Seattle. Oct. 16th and 30th respectively.

I sincerely hope all of you and yours are doing ok in these ridiculous times, and thank you for checking in!